TARA's newest release is Lux Aethera Jewelry Set. This gorgeous set of jewelry is perfect for formal events, cocktail parties, and a great accessory with any saree. This set includes a choker, necklace, earrings, and a ring. Each piece is done in a delicate filigree with a central oval gem. The ovals gems are menu driven with 26 different stones and the filigree is menu driven with 4 metal choices.
TARA's newest release is Zlatagora Handbag. Zlatagora in Slovic is Golden Mountain. This elegant handbag is not short on gold and would be perfect for any formal, semi-formal, or fantasy occasion. This unique dragon leather handbag is rectangular with a fold-over closure with a round filigreed clasp, gold filigree on the flap, gold edging around the bottom, and a gold wrist strap with round filigreed anchors. Zlatagora Handbag is available in 6 different colors and a fatpack. The handbag comes with holding animations for both hands. There are 3 handbags included: 1 no animation, 1 left hand hold, and 1 right hand hold.
Location: Dublin
Style Card
Dress - Rebel Hope - Franky Mesh Dress
Earrings - TARA - Lux Aethera
Necklace - TARA - Lux Aethera
Purse - TARA - Zlatagora Handbag
Shoes - lassitude & ennui - Nevermore Heels - Black
Skin - Traditional Face - Mariety - Rose Kiss